All we are and all we do is centred on the fact that God, who is love, loves us and that he has revealed this love through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. God’s love gives us a foundation to live from and a purpose to live for. A purpose we simply define as loving God and loving people.
Names can be important and our name Oasis both describes who we are and what we want to be. An Oasis brings refreshment and restoration and that is exactly what we want to be for all who come into contact with us.
We believe it is vital to stay connected to other churches. We have strong connections with other churches throughout the city, and are also relationally connected in the UK and other nations through a network of churches called Catalyst. We are also members of the Evangelical Alliance.
In Oasis we see leaders not as those with a special title, but rather those who are willing to serve others to make home, home.
Rooted in our desire to Love God and Love People, we work hard to make Oasis as safe an environment as is reasonably possible. This commitment is worked out through our ‘Safer Church’ policy, outlining our approach to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, which you can read more about by clicking here.
The Living Centred Podcast is all about exploring together how to live lives which are centred on Jesus - lives that become increasingly defined and transformed by the wonder of who He is. Each episode features a 10-15 minute conversation with someone different sharing what has been helping them to keep Jesus at the core of who they are and what they have been doing. New episodes are released weekly, and you can find out more by clicking here!
Our aim is to make it as easy as possible to connect in to who we are. To help do that, we send out an ‘Oasis Email Blast’ each week with key dates, headlines and prayer points for the week ahead - simply click here and fill in the form to join the list!
Our world moves fast! To help us learn to navigate that, we have sought to embrace a rhythm as a community where we take regular moments to ‘Pause, Centre, and Continue’ - creating space to connect with God and others in the midst of whatever circumstances we are living with. Find out more by reading our PAUSE booklet, available to download by clicking here.
We don’t talk a lot about money at Oasis, but if you would like to give to our work in the community, city, nation and the nations, the best way is by bank transfer using the following details:
Account Name: Oasis Church (Birmingham)
Account Number: 65844405
Sort Code: 08-92-99
If you are able to add Gift Aid, which makes a huge difference, please email for a Gift Aid form. Thank you!